Monday, November 2, 2009

Goal Post

Did I make my two daily goals today?

1)  Drink at least 2 quarts of water.  No.  Close, but no.
2)  15 minutes of steady walking.  Yes.  I've also discovered that while picturesque, brick sidewalks aren't so good for steady walking.  So tomorrow will be a different route.

I also rode my bike to work, but not home as it was raining.  I'm goal oriented, not obsessed.

On a totally egotistical note, I was asked today if I'd lost a lot of weight (yes- 9lbs, but I credited the recent eyebrow wax with most of the difference in look) AND I was told that my grey streak of hair gives me a certain "je ne sais quoi" and that it's very stunning.  This from a charming man with a British accent, so I swooned.  Giddy.  Nearly speechless.  Nearly.  ;)

And that's that.

OH!  I already packed my lunch for tomorrow.  Brown rice, green beans, "crab" salad (too much mayo, but maybe I can scrape it off) and a salad made of red grapes, green grapes, raspberries and blackberries.  YUM.  I have some plain yogurt at work that I may incorporate, but maybe not.

How are your daily goals coming?

1 comment:

  1. I've never blogged before, so I'm testing this out to see if I have stuff set up correctly to chime in and add my 2 cents worth. If it works, I will jot down more later. :D
